The Emerging Pathogens Institutes has members that span among 13 different colleges and units at the University of Florida. With more than 250 distinguished faculty members, EPI supports the best minds. Biologists, epidemiologists, geographers, biostatisticians, mathematicians, physicians, veterinarians and other scientists create the strong collaborative spirit of EPI.
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Jim Wellehan, DVM, PhD
Comparative, Diagnostic, and Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Pathogen discovery
- Pathogen ecology and evolution
- Wildlife diseases
Drew Westmoreland, MSPH, PhD
Assistant Professor
Epidemiology, College of Pubic Health and Health Professions; College of Medicine
- Sexual health
- LGBTQIA+ health disparities
- Behavioral epidemiology
- Alcohol and substance use
- Disease ecology
- Wildlife management
- Zoonotic pathogen surveillance
- Agroecology
- Livestock wildlife interface
- Behavior
- Microbiome
- Host-microbe interactions
- Omics
Luiz Fernando Wurdig Roesch, PhD
Associate Professor
Microbiology and Cell Science, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Microbiome
- Inflammation
- Bioinformatics
Janet Yamamoto, PhD
Comparative, Diagnostic and Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Vaccine
- Retroviruses
- Coronaviruses
- T-cell immunity
- Immune-based diagnostics
Boce Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor
Food Science and Human Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Genomics
- Transcriptomics
- Machine learning
- Biointerface
- Nanotechnology
Shouan Zhang, PhD
Plant Pathology/Tropical REC-Homestead, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/IFAS
- Plant pathology
- Emerging plant disease
- Invasive plant pathogen detection and identification
- Plant disease epidemiology
- Integrated disease management
- Mucosal ommunology
- Gene regulation in lymphocytes
- Immunometabolism
- Host-microbiome interactions