
Janet K Yamamoto PhD
Research News
Immune-boosting therapy helps honey bees resist deadly viruses
Scientists have successfully tested a novel way of boosting honey bees’ immune systems to help them fend off deadly viruses, which have contributed to the major losses of the critical…

UF-led study explores differences in Covid-19 severity internationally
Compared with the U.S., why are some countries less affected by COVID-19? A UF researcher leads a team looking for answers in Africa. “If we can learn what can protect…

UF researchers scour coronavirus studies for clues to a future shared with Covid-19
UF researchers sifted through several thousand studies on human coronaviruses related to the novel SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19, with the goal of learning from the past to help shape the…

UF researchers devise new measures of flu immunity
Two UF researchers collaborated with international colleagues to measure how an individual’s immunity to flu is shaped over a lifetime of exposures to multiple influenza viruses. The team devised new…