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COVID-19 myths: Many were busted, but a dangerous one still prevails

From the beginning, the COVID-19 pandemic has been plagued by myths and misunderstandings about how the disease spreads and how people can protect themselves from the disease. We've come a long way in understanding COVID-19, but distrust of the vaccine prevails to the great detriment of public health.

Wastewater surveillance researchers identify tools to estimate how many people are represented in a sample

For their study, the investigators, who are also members of UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, evaluated population normalization factors, which are used to determine the relative human fecal contribution in a sample. With this information, scientists can control for fluctuations in the population contributing to a wastewater sample throughout time while quantifying the SARS-CoV-2 wastewater concentrations.

Wastewater health signals

University of Florida researchers are refining wastewater surveillance techniques—a public health tool dating to the 1940s—to monitor cities, neighborhoods, and individual buildings for traces of COVID-19, fentanyl, and pesticides.

Rapid antigen versus PCR tests in remote work settings

A UF mathematician collaborates with Yale School of Public Health researchers to evaluate the agreement of results between PCR testing and 18 commercially available rapid antigen tests for decision-making in remote work settings on when to end an individual's quarantine.

Rethinking quarantining

UF researchers find particles from virus that causes COVID are transported beyond quarantine spaces due to airborne nature.