The Emerging Pathogens Institutes has members that span among 13 different colleges and units at the University of Florida. With more than 250 distinguished faculty members, EPI supports the best minds. Biologists, epidemiologists, geographers, biostatisticians, mathematicians, physicians, veterinarians and other scientists create the strong collaborative spirit of EPI.
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Cleverson de Souza, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVP
Associate Professor
Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Machine learning applied to cancer diagnostic in companion animals
- Peptide vaccines against bovine paratuberculosis
- Canine macrophages
Sally DeNotta, DVM, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Equine infectious disease
- Equine event outbreak
- Point-of-care diagnostics
- Natural products
- Synthetic biology
- Antibiotics
- New target
- Drug resistance
Rhoel Dinglasan, PhD, MPH, MPhil
Infectious Diseases & Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Malaria
- Arbovirus
- Vector biology & ecology
- Systems biology of vector-borne diseases
- Global one health
Matthew Disney, PhD
Institute Professor & Chair
Chemistry, The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute
- Drug design
Mariola Edelman, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Microbiology and Cell Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Salmonella
- Extracellular vesicles
- Bioactive lipids
- Innate immunity
- Proteomics
- Phage
- Phageome
- Microbiome
- Multi-drug resistant organisms
- Cancer (stem cell transplant, colorectal, head and neck)
Aria Eshraghi, PhD
Assistant Professor
Infectious Diseases and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Bacterial pathogenesis
- Toxins
- Bacterial secretion systems
- Microbiology
- Zika virus
- SARS-CoV-2
- Dengue virus
- Influenza virus
- Point-of-care detection
- Medical AI
- Brain-inspired AI
- AI-empowered brain health
- Deep learning
- Medical image analysis